Hadracha Seminar 2011!

This years Hadracha seminar for Alef and Bet was a corker with over 43 participants! Here’s what one of them said:

“Hadracha seminar is a transitional experience, in which you finally feel a progression through the movement. I attended Hadracha, not only to be involved in one of LJY’s amazing events, but primarily to learn to be a leader myself. This was my second Hadracha and in no way did I feel any kind of ‘De ja vu’. The leading techniques, and things learned, were completely unique to this specific event, and I felt that that, along with the things we were able to practice, such as running sessions, was a vital show of what an LJY leader can achieve. Going on Hadracha has given me confidence in myself to become a leader and I am leading my first event this month. Although I am undoubtedly nervous, Hadracha has opened my eyes to what be a successful leader is, and I feel as ready as I’m ever going to be, and open to constantly learn through my leading experiences. I found out about Hadracha through LJY itself, and specifically this year, through the LJY Facebook group” – Fran Kurlansky

Watch this space Gimmel, your time will come soon!



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