Poppies, Music and lots and lots of glitter

Following on from our Third Night Seder and Kabbalat Shabbat visits last year, LJY-Netzer ran activities at Ravenswood on Mitzvah day. A group went down by train with guitars and instruments and ran a two hour long art and crafts session for the residents whilst playing Jewish songs. The theme of the afternoon was a ‘poppy party’ in memory of those who had dies in war. The residents had chosen the theme at a meeting to decide how they want to spend their Mitzvah day and together we made cards, decorative hats and pipe-cleaner poppies. Members of Galim as well as Bogrim made up the group and it was a rewarding experience for all.  We were also joined by another group who were there planting flowers creating twice the ruach! Ravenswood has been our ‘Social Action
Partner of the Year’ since last Veidah and we have now visited them several times. It is a village for adults with learning difficulties and does incredible work in helping the residents to be as independent as possible. To learn more about Ravenswood please visit the Norwood website: www.norwood.org.uk

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