Meet the Movement Workers 5785


Hi! I'm  I'm Jess and I'm one of the new movement workers for 5784/5! I grew up going to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue and went on my first LJY event when I was 12. I have loved LJY ever since; first as a chanicha (participant) and later as a leader (madricha). Before becoming a movement worker I led on lots of different events including Israel Tour last summer which was an incredible experience. I am so proud to be working for LJY-Nexter and I can't wait for the year to come! 


This year I'm responsible for: Hadracha, Kinus, Shamayim, Galim Bet, Chinuch and Regional Kehilot.

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Hey! I’m Mia and I am a second year MOWO for 5784/5785. I am from Bristol and am a member of the The Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation. I joined LJY-Netzer after going to a sleepover at my Synagouge when I was 10. Ever since then I’ve been hooked, going on every Kadimah and summer tour possible. I even spent my gap year on Shnat Netzer


I can’t wait to dedicate this whole year to making sure LJY flourishes in its wonderfully weird and whacky way. 


My responsibilities include: Jewish Festivals, Plaganim shabbaton, Shnat and Kadimah


Hey, I'm Tali, and I'm one of the LJY movement workers for 5784/85! I'm from Birmingham and grew up going to Birmingham Progressive Synagogue. I went on my first LJY event at 8 years old and have only become more of a keeno over the last 14 years, participating in camps, tours and Shnat gap year.

I have loved being a madricha for lots of camps and events as well as Israel tour. I am so excited for a jam packed LJY year and all the magic that comes with it.
This year I am responsible for Community outreach, Social media, Veidah, Social action among other things!

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