
Sukkot with LJY

Read through our Sukkot resource to learn about the festival and why it's important to advocate for refugees

Sukkot Graphic

LJY-Netzer Veidah Motions

Find out what motions and decisions have been made at our democratic gathering Veidah.

Veidah Motions 5778

Netzer Olami

The amazing Netzer Choveret made by our old Mazkir Netzer Ollie Whiteside!

Netzer Choveret

To download the Netzer platform please click the link below:

Netzer Platform

Feeling revolutionary and fancy mixing things up? Click below to download a veidah motions form to have your ideas discussed and voted upon!

Motion Writing Guide + Form

LJY-Netzer Educational Choveret:

Download the amazing Chinuch Choveret filled with articles written by our bogrim and expert outside speakers!

LJY-Netzer Summer Choveret 5774

Havdallah Sheet

Had a restful Shabbat? Why not conclude with Havdalah. To download our colorful Havdalah sheet, including transliterations, explanations, readings and songs, please click on the link below:


Birkat HaMazon

Eaten? Satisfied? Why not say Birkat HaMazon? To download a sheet with the Hebrew, English and transliteration just click the link below:

LJY-Netzer Birkat HaMazon


For all you LJY-Netzer song leaders, and general keen chaverim, here's your very own copy of the LJY-Netzer song with chords!!!

LJY-Netzer Song - With Chords

For all of the Netzer lovers around the world, The Netzer Song (also with chords)!

Netzer Song

JCORE Choveret

JCORE (Jewish Council for Racial Equality) is the Leading Jewish Voice on Race and Asylum. Download their Choveret for Youth Groups to help you plan and run some really cool sessions!

JCORE Choveret for Youth Groups

Travel Expense Form

For all you hard working Madrachim and Roshim we have a little present.

To download a travel expense form and claim back all those spent pennies, please click the link below:

Travel Expenses Form