LJY-Netzer Safeguarding Policy

LJY-Netzer Safeguarding Policy

Updated 2020

LJY-Netzer has a fundamental commitment to create an environment that is caring and safe. We recognise such an environment is essential for educating, empowering and inspiring Jewish youth.

Key to this is the safety of our chaverim. Our chaverim are in our care at activity weekends, camps, tours, Shnat and other activities. 

Safeguarding of children is the duty and responsibility of all within the movement whatever their role.

  • adopting the practices and behaviour we have set as our standard when carrying out their roles, and
  • reporting any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to the Movement Workers/Director of Youth and/or to external authorities responsible for child protection or to police. This is regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by leaders within the youth movement, or by those outside of it including those from the child’s family, extended family, their family’s extended network or strangers.

LJY-Netzer recognises the responsibility we have to the staff and volunteers to ensure they have the training and understanding to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities and keep themselves safe. It is LJY-Netzer’s responsibility to keep up to date with changes to the law and changes to conventions in the community around us and to make these changes known to all staff and volunteers. No one can expect staff and volunteers to perform those responsibilities, unless they are understood.

  • Child Protection


LJY-Netzer recognise and understand the definitions of abuse set out in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)’ see appendix 1

  • LJY-Netzer will report and respond to instances, allegations or disclosures of abuse

in order to protect young people according to the procedures outlined below.

  • LJY-Netzer ensures that they will make all staff and volunteers aware of the procedures for responding to the disclosure of abuse or reporting concerns.
  • It is the duty of all staff and volunteers to be alert to signs of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect of any chanichol or adult with whom they are in contact.

Our procedures for staff and volunteers are:

What to do if a child makes a disclosure or you have concerns

  • Listen carefully
  • Record the conversation in the child’s own words and note the time
  • Sign and date the record you make and ensure it has the child’s full name on it
  • Take it seriously
  •  Reassure they are right to tell
  •  Explain what will happen next

What not to do if a child makes a disclosure or you have concerns

  • Ask leading questions
  •  Make promises you cannot keep
  •  Jump to conclusions
  • Speculate or accuse anybody
  • Promise confidentiality

A staff member or volunteer having any concerns that a chanichol may be at risk of abuse must discreetly record any relevant information received as accurately as possible without delay. They must then immediately inform the tzevet member (Movement Worker or Director of Youth 07920 465 869) with responsibility for safeguarding or their deputy where they are not available.


It is the policy of LJY-Netzer to pass any such matter to the relevant “authorised” agencies within the Jewish and national communal structures.

If a staff member or volunteer has concern regarding the behaviour of another staff member or volunteer, they must immediately inform the safeguarding officer or their deputy where they are not available. If they have concerns about the safeguarding officer or their deputy or feel unable to discuss their concerns with them, they should contact the LJ Safeguarding Officer Shelley Shocolinsky Dwyer (07506 868 882).

LJY-Netzer are aware when reporting concerns that the concern may be part of a bigger picture of which the organisation may be unaware. 

It is not the staff, volunteer or LJY-Netzer’s responsibility to decide if the allegation is true. It is their responsibility is to record the incident and refer their concerns to an investigating agency and the appropriate person within Liberal Judaism.

There may always be the possibility that a chanichol will not want to continue to discuss

any matter if they are aware that the information will be passed on. This will be subject

to the chanichol’s decision. However, it remains the duty of the staff member or volunteer to report any disclosure. All such conversations should be discreetly recorded in as much detail as possible as soon as possible after the disclosure.

Where possible the parents will be informed before making a referral about an abuse.  A risk assessment needs to be completed and if as part of this assessment it is deemed that a child may be at further risk/or concerns will be silenced if parents are informed, then parents should not be informed before a referral to Children Services is made. 


In order to work effectively with young people on events, medical and background information about the participant may have to be shared on a need to know basis with staff and volunteers. This information should be treated with discretion and sensitivity. 

LJY-Netzer will endeavour to uphold confidentiality for its young people. There will, however, be occasions when confidentiality cannot be maintained. In order to safeguard the young person, staff and volunteers will never promise confidentiality.

Staff members and volunteers should be open and honest with the person (and/or their family where appropriate) from the outset about why, what, how and with whom information will or could be shared and seek their agreement, unless it is unsafe or inappropriate to do so. 

Any personal information gained through staff and child interactions will be treated in confidence except in any of the following circumstances:

  • With the express permission of the chanichol. 
  • If the young person is imminently intent on causing injury to themselves or to others.
  • Where the young person is considered ‘at risk’ from injury or abuse by others.
  • Where the young person discloses abuse.
  • Where not to refer information might further endanger that child or others.

This information should only be discussed on a need to know basis. Discretion is of the utmost importance.

All information will need to be shared with the child’s parents unless this would further endanger them or others.

Nobody - volunteer or staff member - should initiate a  disclosure conversation. 


3a. Ratios

Staff ratios on residential  events will always meet or exceed the recommended

“good practice” levels as set out by the Department for Education and Skills, which as of

2011 are:

Not every madrichol is an adult – only madrichim over the age of 18 are classified as Adults.

  • One adult for every 10 to 15 participants in school years 4 to 6 (age 8 to 11).
  • One adult for every 15 to 20 participants in school year 7 onwards (age 12+).
  • One adult for every 6 participants under the age of 8.
  • All activities will have an absolute minimum of 2 responsible madrichim, except in exceptional circumstances, agreed in advance by a member of SMT (preferably by the Director of Youth)
  • The ratio of madrichim who will be appointed, will take into account the makeup of the group e.g. gender, SEN, etc.

3b. Loco Parentis

  • LJY-Netzer provides a “duty of care” to all its chanichimot, staff members and volunteers
  • Staff members and volunteers at a residential camp are expected to exercise the same degree of care (of their charges) as would a reasonable, prudent and careful parent.
  • LJY-Netzer takes on the responsibility of caring for children for the time they are in an activity, with constant supervision and strict regulations against leaving the premises during the activities. However, if a chanichol  leaves an event without permission of the Movement Worker, then LJY-Netzer does not take responsibility for the child outside the meeting place. The decision may be made to call the police. The parent/ guardian will be contacted in these circumstances. 

3c. Positive guidance [Discipline]

We strive to ensure that children participating in our activities are aware of the acceptable limits of their behaviour so that we can provide a positive experience for all participants. As laid down in the Brit Kavod Hadadi.

There are times when staff members and volunteers may be required to use appropriate techniques and behaviour management strategies to ensure:

  • an effective and positive environment
  • the safety and/or wellbeing of children or leaders participating in our activities

We require leaders to use strategies that are fair, respectful and appropriate to the developmental stage of the children or young people involved. The child or young person needs to be provided with clear directions and given an opportunity to redirect their misbehaviour in a positive manner.

Under no circumstances are leaders to take disciplinary action involving physical punishment or any form of treatment that could reasonably be considered as degrading, cruel, frightening or humiliating.

3d. Adhering to role boundaries

LJY-Netzer staff members and volunteers are expected to be dugmaot before, during and after events.

Staff members and volunteers must avoid acting outside the confines of their role as specified in their position description while running youth movement activities.

As a result all leaders:

  1. must not provide unauthorised transportation to children (see below)
  2. must not communicate with a child, whether by telephone, text message, email or over the Internet, in an improper manner (see below)
  3. generally must not organise or agree to any contact with children outside of authorised youth movement activities (see below)
  4. Must not engage in inappropriate relationships with any children

This applies to all members of LJY-Netzer who are under 18 (regardless of role). No one who is or has been in a position of authority (e.g. Madrichim, Tour madrichim and Rashim) over them can break the above rules.

3e. Use of language and tone of voice

Language and tone of voice used in the presence of children and young people should:

  • provide clear direction, boost their confidence, encourage or affirm them
  • not be harmful to children – in any respect, avoid language that is:
    • discriminatory, racist or sexist
    • derogatory, belittling or negative, for example, by calling a child a ‘loser’ or telling them they are ‘too fat’
    • intended to threaten or frighten
    • profane or sexual
    • commonly regarded as swearing

Staff and volunteers need to be aware that tone of voice may have different effects on different participants depending on personal experiences and possible special needs. This may include the need for visual prompts to support understanding of instructions or additional time to process them.



4a. Use of official emails/office phones or movement mobiles

  • All contact with participants and or parents and guardians should be done using LJY-Netzer emails and phones.
  • All contact should be via the movement workers or LJ office.
  • Where in exceptional circumstances staff or volunteers other than the movement workers contact parents, guardians or participants the movement workers should be informed.
  • All staff and volunteers should be aware even if the communication is for a legitimate movement-related purpose, they:
    • must not communicate anything that a reasonable observer could view as being of a sexual or abusive nature or otherwise inappropriate 
    • are forbidden from using such communication to promote unauthorised ‘social’ activity or to arrange unauthorised contact
    • are forbidden from requesting the participant to keep a communication a secret from their parents

In order to avoid any doubt about the appropriateness of communication, staff and volunteers may choose to copy email and text messages sent to a child or young person to their parent/guardian. 

In all communications staff and volunteers should consider how their actions might be viewed by a reasonable observer. If they feel they might be seen as inappropriate or in a negative light, the staff member or volunteer should reconsider their course of action.

All staff should be aware of, understand and adhere to the internet usage policy. (Appendix 3)

4b. Photographs of children and young people

No photographs may be taken other than on official LJY-Netzer cameras or phones. Movement workers can use their personal phones if they delete the photos from their phone and drive within 12 hours. 

Staff and volunteers are forbidden from using personal cameras or phones for taking photos unless given express permission from Movement Workers or the Director of Youth. This permission is not then carried forwards, but only for the requested activity or event.

Under these guidelines participants are to be photographed by a staff member or volunteer while involved in our activities only if:

  • the context is directly related to participation in our activities
  • the child is appropriately dressed 
  • the image is taken in the presence of other leaders

Images are not to be distributed (including as an attachment to an email) to anyone outside the youth movement other than the child photographed or their parent, without the parent and movement workers’ permission.

No staff member or volunteer may publish any images of participants on electronic or paper media other than under the LJY-Netzer auspices and with permission of the parents or guardian. 

Images (digital or hard copy) are to be stored in a manner that prevents unauthorised access by others.

Images are not to be exhibited on a youth movement website without parental knowledge and approval. Specific approval for photographs is to be determined on the online application for all events.


Any physical contact with children and young people must be appropriate to the delivery of

our activities, e.g. helping children put on safety equipment and based on the needs of the child or young person (such as to assist or comfort a distressed young person) rather than on the needs of leaders.

Under no circumstances should any staff member or volunteer have contact with the intimate areas of  children or young people participating in our activities other than as part of delivering medical or allied health services. This includes:

  • genitals
  • buttocks
  • the breast area 

Under no circumstances should a staff member or volunteer have contact with children or young people that

  • would appear to a reasonable observer to have a sexual connotation
  • is intended to cause pain or distress to the child or young person – for example corporal punishment
  • is overly physical – as is, for example, wrestling, horseplay, tickling or other roughhousing
  • is unnecessary – as is, for example, assisting with toileting when a child does not require assistance
  • is initiated against the wishes of the child or young person, except if such contact may be necessary to prevent injury to the child/young person or to others, in which case:
    • physical restraint should be a last resort
    • the level of force used must be appropriate to the specific circumstances, and aimed solely at restraining the child or young person to prevent them causing harm to themselves or others
    • the incident must be reported to the Movement Workers or the Director of Youth as soon as possible.

Staff members and volunteers are required to report to the Movement Workers any physical contact initiated by a child or young person that is sexual and/or inappropriate, for example, acts of physical or sexual aggression, as soon as possible, to enable the situation to be managed in the interests of the safety of the child or young person, staff members, volunteers and any other participants.

LJY-Netzer recognise and understand there will be times where staff members and volunteers will have physical contact with participants in a supportive and appropriate manner, e.g. guiding out of a room or comforting a distressed or ill child.


When a residential LJY-Netzer activity is held in a non-residential building (e.g.

sleeping on the floor of a synagogue hall) Movement Workers must ensure that the proprietor of the building is aware of the existence and nature of the activity.


Overnight activities are to occur only with the authorisation of the Movement Workers and of the consent of the parents/guardians of the children or young people involved.

Standards of conduct that must be observed by staff and volunteers during residential activities include:

  • providing children and young people with privacy when bathing and dressing
  • observing appropriate dress standards when children and young people are present such as 
    • no exposure to adult nudity 
    • no inappropriate slogans 
  • Staff and volunteers when leading water activities should ensure that they are appropriately covered (They should wear a tee shirt over their swimming costume.)
  • not allowing children or young people to be exposed to pornographic material, for example, through movies, television, the Internet or magazines. Leaders must not expose or let children be exposed to any sexually explicit material, or material of a classification beyond the child’s age.
  • not leaving children under the supervision or protection of unauthorised persons such as campsite staff
  • not involving sleeping arrangements that may compromise the safety of children and young people such as unsupervised sleeping arrangements, or an adult sleeping in the same bed as a child or young person
  • the right of children to contact their parents, or others, if they feel unsafe, uncomfortable or distressed during their stay
  • parents can expect that their children can, if they wish, contact them.

7a. Rooms

All people under the age of 18 will be in single gender rooms or tents on all LJY-Netzer activities. This will be strictly enforced by movement workers.  People with a relationship of power should not share rooms, e.g. madrichim and chanichim, Under 18 year old leaders with Rashim or Mowo’s

We are aware that Trans and non binary people might not be comfortable in a specific gendered dorm.  The movement workers will talk to all non-cis participants before a residential event about how we can best include them and meet their needs.  We are committed to the inclusion of all people.

Staff or volunteers must knock before entering a room of young people (shout if entering a tent).

On events the tzevet cannot enter a dorm that is not in the dormitory area they are responsible for. In exceptional circumstances Movement Workers, the DIrector of Youth and senior care team can enter any dorm.

7b. Changing room arrangements

If staff and volunteers are required to supervise children and young people while they change clothes, they must do so while balancing that requirement with a child or young person’s right to privacy.

In addition:

    • leaders should never be in one-to-one situations with a child or young person in a changing room area
    • leaders are not permitted to use the public change room area to, for example, undress, while children and young people are present
    • leaders need to ensure adequate supervision in ‘public’ change rooms when they are used
    • leaders need to provide the level of supervision required for preventing abuse by members of the public/other participants or general misbehaviour, while respecting a child’s privacy
    • No member of the tsevet should enter the changing room while it is in use by the chanichimot, except for in exceptional circumstances such as medical and welfare requirements.  

  • LJY-Netzer must provide adequate gendered changing facilities to meet the needs of all participants.


Children and young people are to be transported only in circumstances that are directly related to the delivery of youth movement activities– e.g. driving the children to an excursion or to access medical care.

Children are to be transported only with prior authorisation from the Movement Worker and from the child’s parent/guardian. 

Verbal permission (with a witness) is acceptable but written authorisation is preferred and encouraged. 

8a. Private Cars

LJY-Netzer Madrichim must not take chanichim in their private cars as part of a movement event.

If it is ever necessary to drive with a participant in the car as part of a movement event, representatives may only do so if they have “business use” in their insurance as well as “social and pleasure use”.

The driver is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is fit to drive and has the relevant MOT, insurance and licenses are held. A movement worker should confirm that the driver has attained the relevant documents.

 If a trip in a private car is to be taken, chanichim must sit in the back of the car (space permitting) and wear a seat belt.

Staff members and volunteers who commit any driving offence (including speeding fines) when on a LJY-Netzer event, are solely responsible for any penalties or fines resulting from this. 

This includes rented and hired vehicles.


LJY-Netzer issue the following guidelines for parents. 

Your and other children’s participation in LJY-Netzer is for their education and

enjoyment. We believe that your role as parents is to support the movement by:

  • encouraging your child’s participation in a positive and respectful manner
  • advising the Movement workers of any special needs that they may have, or develop, during the course of the programme (for example, they may suffer from asthma or allergies, or have learning or emotional difficulties), so that we can know how best to support your child so they can take part in activities safely. 
  • engaging with the leaders positively, not criticising leaders in the presence of your child and reporting any concerns you have to the Movement Workers in charge or to their Manager  
  • ensuring that your child is picked up on time at the conclusion of an activity
  • arranging with the Movement Worker in charge prior to an activity if your child is to be picked up by a person unknown to (or unexpected by) any of the leaders. 
  • engaging with children, including your own, in a positive and respectful manner and not engaging in behaviour designed to belittle, insult or intimidate them
  • not engaging in, or threatening to engage in, violent or physical confrontations with any other person involved in the youth movement
  • not encouraging or inciting your child to commit violent acts or to breach youth movement rules
  • advising the Movement Worker in charge of any changes in contact information for use in the event of an emergency

Serious or on-going breaches of these guidelines are not tolerated. Parents who breach our guidelines may have their children asked to leave the movement.

Above all, the safety of your children is of our highest priority. We seek to create an open environment between parents and the Movement to ensure that the safety of your children at all times.


Health and Safety for all participants on all activities is LJY-Netzer’s main priority. We will achieve this by ensuring safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all participants, staff and volunteers on any LJY-Netzer event and ensuring appropriate training is given where necessary.  LJY-Netzer ensures that all its workers and volunteers read, understand and adhere to the policies set out in this document and must sign that they have done so in the staff contract, Appendix 4. 

LJY-Netzer is committed to keeping this policy up to date and amended as required.

The Movement Workers, hold the responsibility for ensuring the provision of healthy

and safe working conditions for madrichim and chanichim, and will ensure all staff and volunteers are suitably briefed. 

Responsibility includes:

  • Informing the proprietors of the specific building (synagogue, school, activity centre etc)   which activities will be conducted within their premises.
  • Ensuring that we are insured that all activities carried out are within the conditions of the insurance. Either by the insurance of the proprietor of the building or by the LJY-Netzer public liability Insurance.
  • Ensuring the necessary risk assessments have occurred, been recorded and signed off for every event.
  • Designating a first aider for every residential event who is qualified to at least First Aid at Work certification level.
  • Recording and reporting all accidents and incidents. 


11a. First aider on an event

All movement workers are qualified first aiders having completed the first aid at work course.

First Aid must only be administered by a trained First Aider. There will be a predetermined first-aider at each LJY-Netzer event. 

11b Medical responsibility

LJY-Netzer cannot take responsibility for a participant who has a medical condition, either physical or emotional, which has not been disclosed on a participant's medical form or is a result of a previous condition not disclosed, in full, prior to the participant’s arrival.  Any existing medical condition not declared will be due reason for a child to be returned home immediately from a camp or any LJY-Netzer activity.

It is the responsibility of a child’s parents/guardian to inform the Movement Worker of any event of any condition which may affect their child at that event and any medication they may be bringing onto the event.

11c. Medication


LJY-Netzer will only provide medication for chanichim where permission has been given by the parent or guardian on the sign up form prior to the event.

During Machaneh, any medication that is administered will be done by the onsite medic or the deputy medic should the medic not be on site.

On other LJY-Netzer events, the medication will be administered by the Movement Worker in charge.

11d. Taking participants to hospital or an external doctor.

 In the event of a child being seen by an external Doctor or taken to a hospital LJY-Netzer will contact the relevant parent / guardian. All efforts will be made to make contact with the relevant people prior to any treatment being administered; however we recognise in emergency situations this may not be possible. Permission for emergency care is requested on application. 

In the event that we are unable to make contact with any of the supplied emergency contacts, LJY-Netzer may have to consent to medical treatment as advised by medical consultants.

If a child is admitted to a hospital in a non-emergency situation, the parents are always informed and the course of action is then agreed in negotiation with the Movement Workers, the Director of Youth and medic,  following medical advice. LJY-Netzer remains in loco parentis until the parents arrive. But this will generally be as soon as is practicable.

  • Safer recruitment

Staff members and volunteers who are responsible to protecting children will be checked against the Disclosure and Barring Service to ensure they are reliable and trustworthy. Their suitability for the role will also be assessed by the movement workers and the director of youth.

In the event that a madrichol does not come back with a clean DBS check, their position of responsibility can be revoked, based on the information provided by the  DBS at the discretion of the Movement Workers and managerial staff at Liberal Judaism.

LJY-Netzer will strive to ensure that everyone on any campsite that is associated with LJY-Netzer events, including but not limited to the madrichim, will have been subject to a DBS check.


The staff and volunteers at LJY-Netzer must not give out the home address, e-mail address or phone number of members of LJY-Netzer to any other person unless permission has been granted. It is the responsibility of all holders of contact information lists to keep the information confidential.

Bursary applications are strictly confidential and will only be viewed by those in charge of the process.


LJY-Netzer staff are responsible for the security of every person on a LJY-Netzer event.

All Madrichim should be alert and vigilant to security issues at all times. These may include but are not limited to: suspicious persons, vehicles, packages, phone calls, emails or letters.

14a. Site perimeters

The perimeter of a site being using for a LJY-Netzer event must be clearly fenced or clearly designated. All staff, volunteers and participants must be made aware of the limits to the site.

All staff, volunteers and participants must remain within the site perimeters at all times, unless authorised to leave the site by a Movement worker.

14b. Site staff and Visitors to the site.

Any person who enters the site from any place except the designated entrances should be assumed to be trespassing and must be challenged. Persons entering the site through the designated entrance must report directly to the site office, and if they do not, they should be challenged using the CST procedure for challenging suspicious persons which will be taught to all staff and volunteers prior to an event. 

LJY-Netzer staff will make themselves familiar to the site staff at the beginning of the event. All LJY-Netzer staff and volunteers will be required to wear an ID badge. 

If an individual is unable to formally identify himself/herself, they should be escorted off the site immediately with care. Where relevant the police should be informed.

Movement workers should be notified immediately about all incidents relating to suspicious situations outlined above and should be recorded and passed onto the appropriate people at the Montagu Centre.

All visitors are required to sign in and out and will be provided with visitors badges on doing so, which they must wear at all times throughout their visit.

14c. Securing the site.

It is the responsibility of the Movement workers to ensure that all doors and windows are locked at all times including during the night.

Night time security duty is delegated at the discretion of the Movement Workers. This includes but is not limited to ensuring all participants are in beds and all doors are locked.

The Movement Workers will inform the local Police station of our presence on site.

14d. In the event of an incident.

If there is a serious security incident, the site may need to be evacuated or invacuation procedures followed and the Police (and later the CST if appropriate) would be notified.  

Invacuation will be practiced at the beginning of every camp. 


15a. Medical Outbreak

  • Minor Outbreak = under 5% of participants affected
  • Major Outbreak = between 5% and 20% of participants are affected (or any single/suspected case of serious contagion)
  • Very Serious Incident = over 20% of participants affected)

Outbreaks will be managed by the onsite medic in liaison with the Movement workers and other medical services. The Management Team at Liberal Judaism will also be informed.

Outbreak Procedures:

  1. Sick chanichim will be isolated from the rest of the group. There will be a room designated for sick chanichim at every campsite.
  2. The onsite medic will be the sole contact between the sick chanichim and the rest of the camp. The medic will also ensure the welfare of the sick chanich(a).
  3. The site staff will be notified of the outbreak and extra cleaning time may be required.
  4. All staff and participants will be briefed on the situation as soon as possible on the need to increase personal hygiene e.g. hand washing procedure.

  • If a minor outbreak occurs, the Movement Worker will consult the medic and then will speak to the parents of the affected chanichim at the soonest possible moment.
  • If a major outbreak occurs, the Movement Workers will contact all the parents of the affected chanichim by phone and where deemed necessary, contact the parents of all of the participants to inform them of the situation.
  • If a very serious incident occurs, the Movement Workers and medic will work with emergency services and The Managerial staff at Liberal Judaism to ensure the safety and welfare of all involved.
  1. The medic will deal with the outbreak as he or she sees fit. This may include but is not limited to a visit to a Hospital or GP.
  2. Staff and volunteers will be briefed by the medic to be vigilant to signs of illness in chanichim, staff and volunteers.
  3. Kitchens will be notified by the Movement Workers if pre-plated meals are necessary for the isolated people.
  4. The medic will review the outbreak and feedback to the Movement Workers, on a regular basis.

The Movement Workers will review if and how non-involved parents of participants should be informed of any incident that should occur. 

15b. Fire Safety and Security 

These procedures will be adapted for shorter residential events and used alongside the building’s own fire procedures.

These Procedures will be followed and practiced at Machaneh Aviv and Kadimah. 

(This may be amended according to specific site requirements)

  1. Evacuation in case of a fire or indoor security threat

  1. Signal: Continuous FIRE ALARM
  2. Action
  3. Evacuate immediately to designated rally point. This point will be shown to all people on site as soon as practical after arrival as part of a wider briefing on what to do in case of emergency.
  4. Separate Into Dorms in order of Shikvah from youngest to oldest

iii. Dorm leaders to ensure all their dorm are accounted for

  1. The designated Fire Marshal (or their deputy when they are unavailable) to ensure that all members of participants are accounted for as well as all staff, volunteers and visitors to the site.
  2. Fire Marshall to confirm that 100% of people are present and to liaise with other movement workers.
  3. Fire Marshall confirm when it is safe to re-enter the site and will make the decision for the fire brigade to be contacted where necessary. 

All staff, volunteers and visitors must sign in and out of the site. A list of who is on site will be updated regularly and held by the fire marshals and a copy kept in the office. 

2  Invacuation in case of external security threat

  1. Signal: Movement Worker communicates to entire site, including anyone who may be camping outside, to get indoors and to congregate in the agreed Room. This point will be shown to all people on site at the soonest practical point after arrival.
  2. Action

i.Separate into dorms in order of shikvah from youngest to oldest.

  1. Dorm leaders to ensure all their dorm is accounted for

iii. Designated Movement Worker to confirm that everyone has congregated

  1. Designated Movement Worker to contact emergency services and any staff members or volunteers who are not present.

 Daytime Procedure:

    • escort chanichim to invacuation point
    • Keep away from windows, keep heads on the floor, behind solid objects or walls if possible
    • Movement Workers to supervise invacuation and to lock doors when everyone is  in the room and accounted for (using procedure above)
    • Movement Workers to liaise with, the site and Police
    • No one must move until the all clear sign has been given by the Movement Workers.

  Night time Procedure (chanichim in bed):

  • Madrichim proceed to designated dorms,
  • lock the corridors access doors and await instructions:
  • Designated Movement Worker establish contact with madrichim in person or by phone and supervise head counts.
  • Movement Workers liaise with staff and the Police.
  • No one must move until the all clear sign has been given by the designated Movement Worker.


The Movement Workers and the Director of Youth are responsible for safeguarding the welfare of everyone participating in LJY-Netzer events.  LJY-Netzer is committed to inclusion and will do everything that is practicably possible to include chanichim and tzevet members on their events.  Before every residential event all Chanichim and tzevet members will complete a welfare form.  

All new Chanichim and anyone who has a significant issue on the welfare form will have a pre-event conversation with a Movement Worker or the Director of Youth to assess their needs and to discuss camp. The Movement workers in consultation with the director of youth will decide what measures need to be put into place to support that person's needs and if LJY-Netzer has the capability and/or skill to support them sufficiently.  Where necessary a support plan will be written and agreed with the participant and their parents. If LJY-netzer does not feel it is able to support someone on an event they will seek professional advice about how to gain the capability or, where necessary, seek a suitable alternative provision.

Throughout the year the Director of Youth will be welfare support for all events, remotely for events where s/he is not attending.  During Machaneh Kadimah there will be a full time welfare worker attending to support the welfare needs of everyone on camp. That person will have pastoral support training and experience and be deemed suitable by the Movement Workers and the Director of Youth.  All tzevet members will have completed welfare training and safeguarding training before being allowed to be on an LJY-Netzer tzevet. This training will be evaluated annually according to the needs of the movement and best professional advice.

Welfare notes need to be written for all events and given to the Director of Youth at the end of the event, who will keep them appropriately according to current Data Protection Protocols.  These notes will be factual and freely available, on request, to the parents/guardians.

Appendix 1

Definitions of Abuse and Neglect: Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)


A form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others (e.g. via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children. 

Physical Abuse

A form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child. 

Emotional Abuse

The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond a child’s developmental capability, as well as 

Sexual Abuse

Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children. 


The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: 

  • provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); 
  • protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; 
  • ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers); or 
  • ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. 

It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs. 

Appendix 2

LJY Netzer’s Responsible Internet Usage Policy

LJY-Netzer is committed to responsible Internet usage. 

This means:

  • With regards to social networking sites, LJY-Netzer believes that Bogrim should not be “friends” with LJY-Netzer chaverim (members) in Galim Bet (year 12) and below, except when they are or have been on a tsevet together.

  • With regards to open networks and open-networking sites, Bogrim and madrichim must limit their profiles to ensure compliance with the concept of being a dugma (personal example). This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, videos and text.

  • LJY-Netzer is committed to educating chaverim (members) about responsible internet usage.

  • LJY-Netzer chaverim (members) should not display in a publicly available forum any material that includes (or alludes to) illegal activities. This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, videos and text.

  • Instant messaging (eg Facebook chat, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat or Skype) should not take place between Bogrim and chaverim in Galim Bet (Year 12) and below, except when they are or have been on a tsevet together.

  • An exception to the above rules is for Israel Tour madrichim and Kayitz madrichim, who may be limited profile friends, and engage in limited, carefully considered instant messaging, with their chanichim. LJY-Netzer strongly advises, even in this case, that chaverim err on the side of caution and add LJY to all groups.

  • LJY-Netzer should be aware of the rapid pace of technological change and update this policy accordingly.

  • Discretion on all aspects of this policy is in the hands of the movement workers.

All of the above is subject to reasonable pre existing relationships